Friday, June 03, 2005

Rough week for our clan...

Just wanted to take a minute to acknowledge the support we've received from you all.. Crimson and Strife, thanks isn't enough to express how much it meant for you both to take night watch at the hospital with Shade and I... You guys are the best.

I'm back north, hating to leave everyone in this time, but needing to get back for a while. Things are slowly settling, some for the better: Shade's mom and my grandparents recovering slowly and some for the worse: Nightengail, our thoughts are with you as you travel back home and deal with your loss... Hopefully the next time we all get together, we will be able to be celebrating instead of mourning and comforting.

1 comment:

Scott said...

You're very welcome Adeptio. Please keep us all informed.

Gail, you hang in there and take your time. We're at your disposal.