Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Vampire Magazine - Demons&Wizards

Sadness. The article is good, but I don't like where he states that after 'Nightfall in middle-earth' that era of music is done for them. It makes me worried over where they are going.

Vampire Magazine - Demons&Wizards: "Well that ‘s my favorite Blind Guardian album, haha. Yeah I love that one! But that’s not meant to be the future, that defines what we have done on ‘Nightfall in middle-earth’ since we’ve pointed out, after ‘Nightfall in middle-earth’ that this era for us is finished."

1 comment:

Scott said...

Well, you have to admit that "A Night at the Opera" is way different than "Nightfall on Middle Earth." They're already showing us their "new direction." I can't really sing along with their newer stuff as much as their older stuff. When in doubt, listen to samples first!!